Cookie Policy

Cookies and other usage tracking mechanisms

TheFinanceBlog ("" or "TFB"), TFB's partners, affiliates and third parties use a number of Cookies and similar tools to provide a great, fast, personalised and secure service to our visitors and users.

This Policy governs our use of any such mechanisms and explains how we use such data and how any such usage may impact your experience in using TFB or related services.

TFB reserves the right to use cookies, local storage and other tracking, monitoring and client-side data storage or processing solutions in order to provide the aforementioned services

We encourage you to read the Cookie Policy below to ensure that you are familiar with Cookies and how we use them.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are data files stored on your computer or mobile device by a web server when you access a website that uses Cookies. The data files are used by your web browser to help navigate a website and enable all features including logins, preferences, language settings etc.

There are two different types of Cookies; session and persistent. Session Cookies are only stored on your device for the duration of your session and will be automatically erased once you close your web browser. On the other hand, persistent Cookies will remain stored on your device, even after you have ended your session and may be used by your browser on subsequent visits to a website. Persistent Cookies can be deleted, please see your browser help page to find out how.

How do we use Cookies?

We will use data in cookies or other aforementioned solutions for the following purposes

Security - We use these tools to provide safety and security in your usage of the TFB services. Cookies enable us to ensure only registered users can log into the Websites and that only you can access your account. Cookies also enable us to monitor your account and detect any unusual or suspicious activity.

Authentication - These mechanisms enable you to log into your account and use services not otherwise publicly accessible. They also enable you to use our affiliates and partners effectively within the framework of the TFB Websites or externally if you choose to use such services internally or with third parties.

Advertising - Our use of cookies and pixels enables us to provide advertising tailored and relevant to you on our Websites. This includes personalised advertising by us or our partners as well as ensuring we oblige with our legal and regulatory obligations in only providing appropriate advertising for your profile. Please note that TFB is not responsible for any third-party advertising and its compliance with any legal, regulatory or personal constraints. You use of TFB services means that you agree that any advertising served or provided by a third party is done on the applicable Terms and with respect to applicable policies provided by the third party. TFB will not be held accountable or responsible for any issues that third-party advertising may raise.

Personalisation - Cookies enable us to provide data, information and website material in a way optimised to your profile or your choices - for example we may prioritise content relevant to an upcoming trip that you are undertaking, content based on your recent usage or content in a language chosen by you if available.

Analytics - We may use information in any of the above mechanisms and technologies to perform analytics of our users behaviour and use of our Websites. These analytics may help us improve our services, monitor and optimise our Websites and provide insight into past, current and future trends. We may share any such analysis with our partners on a non-commercial or a commercial basis. Any such use of your information will only be done on an aggregated anonymised basis such that no third party will be able to match any individual user or person to any of the data that we provide.

More specifically we engage with Google Analytics to help us better understand user activity. Reports produced on Google Analytics require use of cookies to analyse and identify website activity. Google may share this information with third parties if required by law or for the purposes of processing the data on behalf of Google.

To prevent Google Analytics from using your information for analytics, you may install the Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser add on:

Technologies Used - The specific names and types of cookies, pixels and other technologies used for the above purposes may change from time to time and the specific mechanisms and tools used may also change without warning. We advise you to regularly review this policy to ensure that you are up to date with what data we collect from such methods and what this data can be used for. We will endeavour to make you aware of any major changes to this policy if we are able to do so (for example if you are a registered user).

Cookies Currently in Use

Cookie NamePurposeLength to Expiry
_gaUnique identifier for Google Analytics to distinguish users2 years
_gidUnique identifier for Google Analytics to distinguish users24 hours
_gatUsed to throttle request rate from Google Analytics1 minute

Your Choice

While most browsers automatically accept Cookies, you have the option to change your browser settings to stop this or to prompt you before any Cookies are accepted. However please note choosing to do so may limit your ability to use TFB and may make some of our services inaccessible. For more information around controlling and deleting cookies review your browser help page.

Third parties including Google use cookies to serve adverts based on your previous use of TFB or other websites. Google uses these advertising cookies to serve ads based on your use of all sites that use Google ads. If you want to understand more about Google Adsense cookies, please visit the Google Adsense settings page where you can also opt out of tracking and learn more about the use of cookies.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about this Cookie Policy please contact [email protected]