
  • A great way to start your investment journey and build a solid investment portfolio:
How To Build An Amazing Investment Portfolio
In my journey learning about investing I’ve come across countless different opinions on how to build the best investment portfolio. The reality is that there is no right or wrong answer. Every individual has their own circumstances, risk appetite, and financial goals. In this article, I will show yo…

  • Build a new income stream by selling options:
Selling Options: Passive Income Stream Most Investors Don’t Know About
I’ve been one of them. Ignoring options just because they were too hard to understand. Little did I know how big of an opportunity I would miss. Once you learn options, a whole new world opens up for making more money in the markets. One such way is selling options

  • Consider expanding your income sources by buying blue-chip dividend growth companies:
Why You Should Consider Dividend Growth Investing?
I hear this debate every time, “dividends are good”, “dividends are bad”. The reality is that both statements are true at the same time. In general, dividend payouts are seen as bad because companies give away the excess cash, limiting their growth and expansion potential. Investors prefer dividends…

  • Use technical analysis to know when to buy or sell and optimize your gains:
Does Technical Analysis Really Work?
I’ve recently heard a great analogy that technical analysis is basically astrology or art for the stock market. This is not far from the truth as technical analysis purely depends on people’s ability to interpret patterns on charts and usually has a high margin of error. It’s a probability game.

Investing platforms I use

Here are two of the investing platforms I use for buying shares and trade options. By using my referral links below, you can support my articles while getting free shares to kickstart your journey.

Interactive Brokers (Worldwide): - If you sign up using this link you will get $1 in IBKR shares for every $100 of cash for up to $1000 worth of IBKR shares. The average balance must be maintained for at least 1 year for you to get the shares.
Stake (UK, Australia, NZ): - You will get a free share for up to $150 if you sign up using this link and deposit a minimum of £50.