In my journey learning about investing I've come across countless different
opinions on how to build the best investment portfolio. The reality is that
there is no right or wrong answer. Every individual
I've been one of them. Ignoring options just because they were too hard to
understand. Little did I know how big of an opportunity I would miss.
Once you learn options, a whole
I hear this debate every time, "dividends are good", "dividends are bad". The
reality is that both statements are true at the same time. In general, dividend
payouts are seen as bad because
Options are a great tool and can be used in many different creative ways to
profit from the wild market conditions out there. One of those ways is to use
the longer expiration
I've stayed away from options contracts for a very long time, thinking they are
just too risky and too expensive. The truth is, options can be very risky if you
don't understand how